
Terms and Conditions

These Terms and conditions are considered an official agreement (contract) between Speed Gate Company, the owners of “Whizzy” trademark and the users of Whizzy platform.

Whizzy is an electronic platform that allows customers to request different services from the service provider, and the support in several fields.

By using any of the services provided by Whizzy platform, you are agreeing to this contract and its terms. Consequently, you should not use the platform if you do not agree with the terms and conditions presented in this contract.

Whizzy reserves the right to modify or change these terms and conditions without previous notification. You are responsible - as a user of the platform - to review the regulations and conditions of use periodically to be acquainted with the updates that may occur to these terms and conditions through this link (https://www.Whizzyapp.com) and we urge you to review our privacy policy to know more about how we use the information presented to us from the users of the platform.

The right to obtain the services

    You acknowledge and guarantee to the following:

  • You have never been disabled or denied the use of Whizzy‘s services at any time.
  • You are not a competitor to Whizzy and you do not provide a competitive product to that of the services provided by Whizzy.
  • You have the power and authority for the contract. You will, thus, not breach any law or contract. You do not have any precedents, arrest warrants or claims at the security parties.

Pledges and guarantees

    You acknowledge and guarantee that you will:

  • Comply with all the laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Provide accurate and correct information to Whizzy and to update it regularly.
  • Review and obey any notices sent to you from Whizzy regarding your use of the services provided by Whizzy platform.
  • You shall use the service or the platform for legitimate purposes only, and you shall not use the services to deliver or receive any illegal materials or for fraud.
  • You shall not use the service or the platform for the harm, harassment or inconvenience of anyone.
  • Both of the customer and the service provider of Whizzy may cancel the request before starting. The request cannot be canceled after starting. The cancellation of the request is free for the green zoon from the acceptance of the service provider to the request. The one who cancels the request shall be charged 15% in the orange zoon upto 15 Saudi Riyals and 20% in the red zoon upto 20 Saudi Riyals when canceling the service.
  • The Orange zoon starts one hour earlier from time needed, and the red zoon starts when the service provider arrives to the pointed destination.
  • You agree to the exchange of information between the companies in Whizzy platform regarding your executed dealings and in order to rate the dealings with you.
  • You shall not obstruct the sound operation of Whizzy platform.
  • You shall not try to cause harm to the service or the platform by any means.
  • You shall not copy or distribute the platform or the other contents without obtaining a written permission from Whizzy.
  • You shall keep the password of your account, or any other identification methods we provide you that allows you to log into your account, secure and confidential.
  • The order could not be matching your order.
  • You shall provide to Whizzy with all the evidence that proves your identity at the sole discretion of Whizzy that comply with Saudi laws and regulation.
  • Whizzy may refuse to offer the service or the use of the platform without giving reasons.

Scope of License

    Whizzy grants you non-exclusive license that cannot be transformed, surrendered, sublicensed or terminated in order to obtain our services and use them for personal uses only. (For example, but not limited to, not for any commercial purposes). According to this contract, you should:

  • Not provide the services or rent, hire, resell, redistribute or sublicense these services to any third party.
  • Not modify, cut, translate, summarize, or create subwork that dissociates or executes a reciprocate engineering to the design of Whizzy platform, or otherwise identifying or attempting to identify or access the source code or the internal design of the services or any text or multimedia images (images, audio/video files) or the data or other information that is provided by Whizzy or a third party of service providers.
  • Not delete, change or make any modifications to the copyrights or other official notifications presented in the services.
  • Not deliberately transferring or distributing the services or allowing the services to load for other uses than that specified here.
  • Not share the username or password or other details used to access Whizzy services.
  • As part of Whizzy’s shipping policy, the users and service providers shall not deliver, send or receive the following categories of the materials and products whatever is related to them and you should allow Whizzy to open any dispatch to make sure of its safety and compliance with the conditions.
CategoriesExamples of products and items
AlcoholAlcoholic and intoxicating beverages of all kinds.
Prohibited animals and speciesParts of animals, blood or other liquids, harmful herbs, prohibited seeds, plants or any other organic materials (including productive derivatives) that are in risk of extinction which should not be traded in accordance with the law.
Pornographic materialsPornographic materials or materials that can cause sexual abuse for children.
Copyrighted materials and applicationsIllegal copies of books, music, movies, and any other licensed and copyrighted materials including the copies that violate copyrights and the illegal copies of the applications, programs, video games, any other copyrighted and licensed materials such as original applications, bundle programs, other programs that enable sending messages of unknown source to emails.
Imitations and illegal itemsImitated items and designs, materials not signed by celebrities which usually require these signatures, fake signatures, coins and stamps and other items which may be illegal.
The mechanisms and devices used to detach or breach technical protectionAny chips or other devices used to pass the protection of the digital devices including the devices that break the code of the iPhones.
Narcotics and its equipmentsProhibited materials, narcotics, illegal drugs,the equipments of preparation including herbal pills such as salvia, magic mushrooms, the materials that promote the use of these products, the legal materials such as plants and herbs in a way that requires their digestion or inhalation or extraction of any illegal materials from them that produces the same effect of narcotics or illegal materials or that claim health benefits without proof or evidence.
Games and gamblingGambling tickets, sports betting, the membership of gambling websites on the network or any related content.
Electronic piracy materialsThe evidence, orientation, information and demands that violate the law through sabotage, enabling the illegal access of applications/ programs/ servers/ websites or any other protected properties.
Human organsHuman organs or any parts of the body or fluids or stem cells or embryos
Illegal and stolen items The materials, products and information that promote illegal items or enable the execution of illegal actions; the items that you do not own and do not have the right to sell, the items produced by violating the property rights of other parties; smuggled items and the items that violate the import, export,and preambles systems; the vehicles subject to the transport restrictions; the items registered in public records (such as real estates) whose transferral requires official procedures that cannot be accomplished on the network. You and the customer are responsible completely of making sure that all the materials that you sell are legal and permissible.
Illegal communication equipmentsThe devices used to receive the signals of satellites or cables for free and the devices used to break the code of cable broadcasting, encryption cards and devices used to program encryption cards, illegal equipments and products that are used to modify cell phones and other equipments that are considered illegal in accordance with the systems of the communications organization or any regulating party in the country where these items are offered.
Unlicensed drugsThe medications and drugs that are not proved or the materials that are promoted as quick and successful treatment for health problems.
Inappropriate items

    The items, literary materials, products or any other materials that cause:

  • The defamation and libel of any person or group of people due to the race, country, religion, gender or any other cause.

  • The defamation and libel of any person or group of people protected from defamation and libel in accordance with the prevailing law (Such as the protection offered to the ruling families in some regions).

  • Inciting and encouraging violent actions.

  • Promoting intolerance and hatred.

  • Promoting the joining of terrorist groups or other organizations prohibited by law.

  • Promoting amendment theories specified by the law.

  • Promoting amendment theories specified by the law.

  • The contradiction of the prevailing moral regulations.

Aggressive and criminal itemsThe criminal scenes, photos, and materials such as the personal belongings related to crimes or criminal actions.
Precious materialsSelling large quantities of metals and precious or rare stones.
Copyrighted cultural materials and handmade productsThe materials included in the UNESCO treaty for the year 1970 Regarding the means of prevention and protection of the illegitimate import, export and transport to the ownership of cultural properties or those forbidden to sell, export or transfer their ownership by law; handmade items; cave configurations, materials related to tombs which are protected by the federal laws such as the law of protection of the cave resources for the year 1988 and the law of the protection of the American tombs.
Firework devices and hazardous materialsFireworks and items related to them which are considered in the markets in which they are sold: poisonous, flammable or radioactive and the materials such as gunpowder, explosives, benzene and propane containers
The items subject to particular regulationsairbags, batteries that contain mercury, freon and similar cooling materials, chemical and synthetic solvents, medical operations, car plates, police preambles and equipment of the law enforcement authorities, devices to open locks, medical devices, insecticides, fitness equipments and electronic catalysts, retrieved materials, inspection and monitoring equipments used mainly to illegitimately spy on the audio or electronic calls or that enable the illegitimate spying on people and the recording of their calls, the items subject to censorship from the government or any other authorities.
Traffic authorities devicesDevices that cause radar confusion, the covers of car plates, devices that change traffic lights and other related products.
WeaponsWeapons, ammunition and any other materials, which includes, without limitations, hidden and hard to detect weapons and knives, the weapons that take the form of pieces of art, silencers, ammunition cabinets, light weapons and tear gas.
gross selling of currenciesDiscounted currencies, Currency trading and the currencies supported by precious metals.
The transportation of children in primary or middle school or below thatWe have the right to refuse providing the service for all children under 18 years old. In addition to this, we have the right to refuse the transportation to any location inside or around primary or middle schools.
Misuse of the programming platformWe completely reject any abusive language or bad behavior towards the company and/or the service we provide and/or any of our employees and/or service providers. If we decide, at our discretion, that any customer used abusive language towards the company and/or the service and/or the employees and/or the service providers, this will lead to the permanent suspension of the customer’s account without returning any amount due. This is considered as a threat of prosecution or defamation or libel.
Different materialsThe following items are also prohibited: debit cards, gift cards, passage permits, financial groups (stamps, money, etc..).
Taxi servicesTransporting people inside the city.

Shipping Policy Violation

Whizzy reserves the right to execute any possible treatments to any violation of the shipping policy, and that includes, without limitation, the right to block the access to the services and programs of Whizzy.

Intellectual property rights

All the Intellectual property rights of this platform and all the materials related to it or that show on it (which includes any content that Whizzy presents, enrolls, as well as the entire content downloaded on the platform by Whizzy is a property of Whizzy and Whizzy has the right to disposition of property. You shall not produce or allow any person, for any reason, to use or reproduce the services or any trademarks or any other trade names that appear in services.


Whizzy reserves the right to impose new fees for using the platform or the service or both. If Whizzy decides to impose new fees, you shall be notified and allowed to pursue or terminate the contract.

You should pay the fees of the services or purchases to the service provider by credit card once the service is provided to you. You hold the legal responsibility for not paying the fees of the services or purchases once provided to you.

Whizzy reserves the right to block the customer in case of not paying the fees of the provided service or in case of not receiving the purchases from the service provider, knowing that Whizzy shall not unblock the customer till the incurred service fees are paid.


    By agreeing to the expressed user conditions and using the platform or service, you are agreeing to defend Whizzy and its subsidiaries, licensing parties, every one of its officials and managers, and other users, employees, lawyers and agents and not causing them harm and discharging them from any demands, costs, harms, losses, responsibilities and fees (including the fees and costs of lawyers) arising from or related to the following:

  • Your breach or violation to any of the user conditions presented herein or any applicable law or regulations whether referred to in these terms and conditions of use or not.
  • Your breach of any rights of others, including the service providers regulated by the platform.
  • Your use or misuse of the platform or service.

Legal responsibility

The information, recommendations and services or any of that offered to you on or through the website, service and platform are for the purpose of general information only and do not represent any advice. Whizzy will reserve as much as possible the soundness and update of the website and platform and their contents, but it does not guarantee that the (contents) of the website or platform are free from errors, flaws, harmful programs, viruses and does not guarantee the soundness, accuracy and update of the website and platform.

Whizzy does not hold responsibility for any harms resulting from the use (or inability to use) the website or platform, including the harms caused by the harmful programs or viruses, and is not responsible for incorrect or incomplete information or website or platform, unless the harm is due to deliberate bad behavior or immense careless from Whizzy.

The responsibility of the quality of services requested through the platform or the entire service lies eventually on the service provider. Whizzy shall not accept, under any condition, any responsibility regarding the services provided by the service provider or arising from him, and is not responsible for any actions, behavior or carelessness, or all of that mentioned, from the service provider and thus, any complaints about the services should be presented on the service provider.

Services modification

    Whizzy reserves the right , at its sole discretion, to perform the following at anytime:

  • Changing the services at any time or any related materials, and/or stopping the publish of its services.
  • If Whizzy decides to stop publishing its services, it may choose to replace the services with other similar materials.

Limits of responsibility

Whizzy does not offer any guarantee, explicit or implied, regarding the services, as they are all presented "as they are". Whizzy disclaims explicitly, to the maximum extent by law, all guarantees, and includes but not limited to, the guarantees of suitability to a certain purpose, suitability to certain specifications and markets, the suitability of ownership rights for sale. Whizzy, also, does not guarantee the accuracy, content, the timing of the services, or the results that the service users may or may not obtain. Whizzy, its agents, licensors or affiliates shall not be responsible, by any means, for the direct or indirect harms, penalties, private harms or the occurrence of accidental or dependent harms.(which includes, without limitations, the harms resulting from the loss of profits, failure of business, loss of business information or other financial losses) resulting directly or indirectly from the access to the services and their use (or failure to use) or the reliance on them.

The safety

You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the privacy of the services, and you are solely responsible for their use by anyone using your account and/or username or password or your access credentials. You also agree to notify Whizzy if you become aware of any loss, theft or unauthorized use to any password, username or IP address, or other means of accessing the services.

Dealing with the others

During the use of the website, platform and service, links to websites -owned and controlled by others-may be provided from time to time, in order to correspond with others, buy products or services from them or sharing the promotional codes they offer. These links take you outside the website, platform and service, and they are outside the control of Whizzy.

During your use of the website, platform and service, you may correspond, buy products or services or participate in promotional codes provided by service providers or advertisers or sponsors that display their items or services through a link on the website, or through the platform or service. These links take you outside the website, platform and service and they are outside the control of Whizzy. The websites that you can join have independent terms and conditions as well as independent privacy policy. Whizzy is not responsible for the content of these websites or their activities and may not be questioned about it. Thus, you are responsible entirely for the risks resulting from the visiting or logging into these websites.

Please notice that these websites may send cookies to the users collect their information or request personal information. Thus, you are advised to check the conditions of use or the privacy policies in these websites before using them.

The duration and termination of the contract

The contract between you and Whizzy is unlimited. You have the right to terminate the contract at any time by removing the platform installed on your smartphone completely. Thus, disabling your use of the platform and the service. You can close your user account at anytime.

Whizzy has the right to terminate the contract immediately at anytime (By disabling your use of the platform and the service), That is in case you did any of the following: a) The violation or breach of any of user conditions, b) if Whizzy deems that you misuse the platform or the service. Whizzy does not have to send previous notifications of terminating the contract.

The invalidation of one or more terms

The invalidation of any of the terms of the user conditions herein does not affect the validity of the rest of the terms mentioned here.

In the event of the presence of any invalid terms in these user conditions or the presence of an unacceptable term in certain conditions according to the standards of reasonableness and justice and only to this extent, both parties shall apply an acceptable term instead taking into consideration all the circumstances and agreeing with the terms of the invalid term as much as possible, and respecting the content and purpose of user conditions herein.

Modification of the service and user conditions

Whizzy reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any of the user conditions herein, change/suspend or stop the service or platform (including, but not limited to, the provision of any advantages, databases or content) at any time, by posting a notification on the website or sending you a notification through the service, platform or email address. Whizzy also has the right to place limitations on certain features and services or to limit your access to certain parts of the service or the whole service without notification or responsibility.


Whizzy may send notification through sending general notifications about the service or the platform, or sending an email to your mail address registered in your Whizzy user account, or to send a mail to the address registered in your Whizzy user account.

The applicable law and resolving disputes

The user conditions ahead which apply to any dispute, claim or disagreement arising from such user conditions or anything related to them, their breach /termination /execution/ explanation or validation, the use of the website, service or platform, are subject to the applicable laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and are explained according to them.

Whizzy Service Provider Conditions and Regulations:

These regulations and conditions are considered to be an official agreement “contract” between Speed Gate Company, the owners of “Whizzy” trademark and the service providers. These service provider conditions regulate your use of Whizzy which is an electronic platform that allows customers to request different services from the service provider, and the support in several fields, where Whizzy enables the customer to choose the suitable service provider.

By using the services provided by Whizzy application, you are agreeing to this contract and its terms. Consequently, you should not use the application if you do not agree with the terms and conditions presented in this contract.

Whizzy reserves the right to modify or change these terms and conditions without previous notification. You are responsible as a user of the application to review the regulations and conditions of use periodically to be acquainted with the updates that may occur to these terms and conditions through this link (https://www.Whizzyapp.com) and we urge you to review our privacy policy to know more about how we use the information presented to us from the users of the platform.

The right to obtain the services:

    You acknowledge and guarantee to the following:

  • You have never been disabled or denied the use of Whizzy services at any time.
  • You are not a competitor to Whizzy and you do not provide a competitive product to that of the services provided by Whizzy.
  • You have the power and authority for the contract. You, thus, will not be breaching any law or contract.
  • All vehicles registered with Whizzyapp do not exceed 3 tons and 300 hundred kilograms

Pledges and guarantees:

    You acknowledge and guarantee to the following:

  • Comply with all the laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Provide accurate and correct information to Whizzy and to update it regularly.
  • Review and obey any notices sent to you from Whizzy regarding your use of the services provided by Whizzy application.
  • Shall not duplicate a sublicense, version, publication, transfer, distribution, execution, display, selling or recategorization of the services of Whizzy. Otherwise, you shall have transferred the service or used it commercially other than that allowed by this contract.
  • Both of the customer and the service provider of Whizzy may cancel the request before starting. The request cannot be canceled after starting. The cancellation of the request is free for the first five minutes from the acceptance of the service provider to the request. The one who cancels the request shall be charged 15 Saudi Riyals after five minutes from the acceptance of the service provider or customer.
  • Shall not use the information, content or any information you access or obtain through using the services of Whizzy for any purpose other than personal use, and shall exclusively use the application and service for purposes pertaining to you and not send them to any third party (including for example, but not limited to, providing the service to someone else).
  • You shall use the service or the platform for legitimate purposes only, and you shall not use the services to deliver or store any illegal materials or for fraud.
  • Commit to the safety measures of the products transported by your vehicle during delivery such that the orders are delivered in sound healthy state.
  • You shall not use the service or the application for the harm, harassment or inconvenience of anyone.
  • You shall not obstruct the sound operation of Whizzy application.
  • You shall not try to cause harm to the service or the application by any means.
  • You shall not copy or distribute the application or the other contents without obtaining a written permission from Whizzy.
  • You shall keep the password of your account or any other identification methods we provide, you that allows you to log into your account, secure and confidential.
  • You shall provide us with all the evidence that proves your identity at the sole discretion of Whizzy.
  • Shall only use wireless devices to access the internet or 3G data accounts (AP) that you are authorized to use.
  • Whizzy may refuse to offer the service or allow the use of the platform without giving reasons.

Scope of License

    Whizzy grants you non-exclusive license that cannot be transformed, surrendered, sublicensed or terminated in order to obtain our services and use them for personal uses only. (For example, but not limited to, not for any commercial purposes). According to this contract, you should:

  • Not provide the services or rent, hire, resell, redistribute or sublicense these services to any third party.
  • Not modify, cut, translate, summarize, or create subwork that dissociates or executes a reciprocate engineering to the design of Whizzy application, or otherwise identifying or attempting to identify or accessing the source code or the internal design of the services or any text or multimedia images (images, audio/video files) or the data or other information that is provided by Whizzy or a third party of service providers.
  • Not delete, change or make any modifications to the copyrights or other official notifications presented in the services.
  • Not deliberately transferring or distributing the services or allowing the services to load for other uses than that specified here.
  • Not allow the provision of the services or their access to anyone other than you.
  • Not share the username or password or other details used to access Whizzy services.
  • As part of Whizzy’s shipping policy, the users and service providers shall not deliver, send or receive the following categories of the materials and products whatever is related to them and the service provider should check the safety of any dispatch they deliver through the platform.
The categoriesExamples of products and kinds
AlcoholAlcoholic and intoxicating beverages of all kinds.
Prohibited animals and speciesParts of animals, blood or other liquids, harmful herbs, prohibited seeds, plants or any other organic materials (including productive derivatives) that are in risk of extinction which should not be traded in accordance with the law.
Pornographic materialsPornographic materials or materials that can cause sexual abuse for children.
Copyrighted materials and applicationsIllegal copies of books, music, movies, and any other licensed and copyrighted materials including the copies that violate copyrights and the illegal copies of the applications, programs, video games, any other copyrighted and licensed materials such as original applications, bundle programs, other programs that enable sending messages of unknown source to emails.
Imitations and illegal itemsImitated items and designs, materials not signed by celebrities which usually require these signatures, fake signatures, coins and stamps and other items which may be illegal.
The mechanisms and devices used to detach or breach technical protectionAny chips or other devices used to pass the protection of the digital devices including the devices that break the code of the iPhones.
Narcotics and their equipmentsProhibited materials, narcotics, illegal drugs,the equipments of preparation including herbal pills such as salvia, magic mushrooms, the materials that promote the use of these products, the legal materials such as plants and herbs in a way that requires their digestion or inhalation or extraction of any illegal materials from them that produces the same effect of narcotics or illegal materials or that claim health benefits without proof or evidence.
Games and gamblingGambling tickets, sports betting, the membership of gambling websites on the network or any related content.
Electronic piracy materialsThe evidence, orientation, information and demands that violate the law through sabotage, enabling the illegal access of applications/ programs/ servers/ websites or any other protected properties.
Human organsHuman organs or any parts of the body or fluids or stem cells or embryos Illegal and stolen items
Illegal and stolen itemsThe materials, products and information that promote illegal items or enable the execution of illegal actions; the items that you do not own and do not have the right to sell, the items produced by violating the property rights of other parties; smuggled items and the items that violate the import, export,and preambles systems; the vehicles subject to the transport restrictions; the items registered in public records (such as real estates) whose transferral requires official procedures that cannot be accomplished on the network. You and the customer are responsible completely of making sure that all the materials that you sell are legal and permissible.
Illegal communication equipmentsThe devices used to receive the signals of satellites or cables for free and the devices used to break the code of cable broadcasting, encryption cards and devices used to program encryption cards, illegal equipments and products that are used to modify cell phones and other equipments that are considered illegal in accordance with the systems of the communications organization or any regulating party in the country where these items are offered.
Super drugsThe medications and drugs that are not proved or the materials that are promoted as quick and successful treatment for health problems.
Inappropriate items

    The items, literary materials, products or any other materials that cause:

  • The defamation and libel of any person or group of people due to the race, country, religion, gender or any other cause.

  • The defamation and libel of any person or group of people protected from defamation and libel in accordance with the prevailing law (Such as the protection offered to the ruling families in some regions).

  • Inciting and encouraging violent actions

  • Promoting intolerance and hatred.

  • Promoting the joining of terrorist groups or other organizations prohibited by law.

  • Promoting amendment theories specified by the law.

  • The contradiction of the prevailing moral regulations.

Aggressive and criminal itemsThe criminal scenes, photos, and materials such as the personal belongings related to crimes or criminal actions.
Precious materialsSelling large quantities of metals and precious or rare stones.
Copyrighted cultural materials and handmade productsThe materials included in the UNESCO treaty for the year 1970, regarding the means of prevention and protection of the illegitimate import, export and transport to the ownership of cultural properties or those forbidden to sell, export or transfer their ownership by law; handmade items; cave configurations, materials related to tombs which are protected by the federal laws such as the law of protection of the cave resources for the year 1988 and the law of the protection of the American tombs.
Firework devices and hazardous materialsFireworks and items related to them which are considered in the markets in which they are sold: poisonous, flammable or radioactive and the materials such as gunpowder, explosives, benzene and propane containers.
The items subject to particular regulationsairbags, batteries that contain mercury, freon and similar cooling materials, chemical and synthetic solvents, medical operations, car plates, police preambles and equipment of the law enforcement authorities, devices to open locks, medical devices, insecticides, fitness equipments and electronic catalysts, retrieved materials, inspection and monitoring equipments used mainly to illegitimately spy on the audio or electronic calls or that enable the illegitimate spying on people and the recording of their calls, the items subject to censorship from the government or any other authorities.
Traffic authorities devicesDevices that cause radar confusion, the covers of car plates, devices that change traffic lights and other related products.
WeaponsWeapons, ammunition and any other materials, which includes, without limitations, hidden and hard to detect weapons and knives, the weapons that take the form of pieces of art, silencers, ammunition cabinets, light weapons and tear gas.
Gross selling of currenciesDiscounted currencies, currency trading and the currencies supported by precious metals.
The transportation of children in primary or middle school or below thatWe have the right to refuse providing the service for all children under 18 years old. In addition to this, we have the right to refuse the transportation to any location inside or around primary or middle schools.
Misuse of the programming platformWe completely reject any abusive language or bad behavior towards the company and/or the service we provide and/or any of our employees and/or service providers. If we decide, at our discretion, that any customer used abusive language towards the company and/or the service and/or the employees and/or the service providers, this will lead to the permanent suspension of the customer’s account without returning any due amounts. This is considered as a threat of prosecution or defamation or libel.
Different materialsThe following items are also prohibited: debit cards, gift cards, passage permits, financial groups (stamps, money, etc..)
Taxi servicesTransporting people inside the city

Shipping Policy Violation:

  • Whizzy reserves the right to execute any possible treatment to any violation of the shipping policy, and that includes, without limitation, the right to block the access to the services and programs of Whizzy.

Intellectual property rights:

  • All the Intellectual property rights of these services and all the materials related to it or that show on it (which includes, but not limited to, any content that Whizzy presents, enrolls) is a property of Whizzy.
  • You shall not reproduce or allow any person, for any reason, to use or reproduce the services or any trademarks or any other trade names that appear in the services.


  • Whizzy reserves the right to impose new fees for using the application or the service or both.
  • You have add your credit card information to transform the payment to your account.
  • If Whizzy decides to impose new fees or commission rates, you shall be notified and allowed to pursue or terminate the contract.
  • Whizzy determines its commission rates which are collected from the service provider according to the market needs. The service provider has the rights to request the discontinuation in case the rates are not suitable for them. The continuation of the service provider after being notified with the new rates is considered to be an explicit agreement from them on the new rates.
  • Whizzy may modify or update the fees from time to time, and you are responsible for being aware of the current rates of the service.


    By agreeing to the expressed user conditions and using the platform or service, you are agreeing to defend Whizzy and its subsidiaries, licensed parties, every one of its officials and managers, and other users, employees, lawyers and agents and not causing them harm and discharging them from any demands, costs, harms, losses, responsibilities and fees (including but not limited to the fees and costs of lawyers) arising from or related to the following:

  • Your breach or violation to any of the service provider conditions presented herein or any applicable law or regulations whether referred to in these terms and conditions of use or not.
  • Your breach of any rights of others, including the service providers regulated by the application.
  • Your use or misuse of the application or service.

Legal responsibility:

  • The information, recommendations and services or any of that offered to you on or through the website, service and application are for the purpose of general information only and do not represent any advice.
  • Whizzy will reserve as much as possible the soundness and update of the website and application and their contents, but it does not guarantee that the (contents) of the website or application are free from errors, flaws, harmful programs, viruses and does not guarantee the soundness, accuracy and update of the website and application.
  • Whizzy does not hold responsibility for any harms resulting from the use (or inability to use) the website or application, including the harms caused by the harmful programs or viruses, and is not responsible for incorrect or incomplete information or website or application, unless the harm is due to deliberate bad behavior or immense careless from Whizzy.
  • Whizzy does not hold responsibility for any harms resulting from the use (or inability to use) electronic contact methods with the website or the application, including, but not limited to, the harms resulting from not delivering the electronic correspondence or the delay, or obstruction of the same, or the manipulation of the electronic correspondence by others or by the computer softwares used for electronic correspondence and transferring viruses.
  • The responsibility of the quality of services requested through the application or the entire service lies on your behalf. Whizzy shall not accept, under any condition, any responsibility in this aspect. However, Whizzy has the right to review your performance and consequently terminating your license.
  • Whizzy shall not accept, under any condition, any responsibility regarding the services provided by the service provider or arising from him.
  • Whizzy is not responsible for any actions, behavior or carelessness, or all of that mentioned, from the service provider.
  • Any complaints of the service made by the clients, should be directly presented to Whizzy, however Whizzy does not take any responsibility in that and only acts as a link between both sides.

Services modification:

    Whizzy reserves the right , at its sole discretion, to perform the following at anytime:

  • Changing the services or any related materials, and/or stopping the publish of its services.
  • If Whizzy decides to stop publishing its services, it may choose to replace the services with other similar materials.

Limits of responsibility:

  • Whizzy does not offer any guarantees, explicit or implied, regarding the services, as they are all presented "as they are".
  • Whizzy disclaims explicitly, to the maximum extent by law, all guarantees, which includes but not limited to, the guarantees of suitability to a certain purpose, suitability to certain specifications and markets, the suitability of ownership rights for sale.
  • Whizzy does not guarantee the accuracy, content, the timing of the services, or the results that the service users may or may not obtain.
  • Whizzy, its agents, licensors or affiliates shall not be responsible, by any means, for the direct or indirect harms, penalties, private harms or the occurrence of accidental or dependent harms.( This includes, without limitations, the harms resulting from the loss of profits, failure of business, loss of business information or other financial losses) resulting directly or indirectly from the access to the services and their use (or failure of use) or the reliance on them.

The safety:

  • You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the privacy of the services, and you are solely responsible for their use by anyone using your account and/or username or password or your access credentials.
  • You also agree to notify Whizzy if you become aware of any loss, theft or unauthorized use to any password, username or IP address, or other means of accessing the services.

Dealing with the others:

  • During your use of the website, application and service, links to websites -owned and controlled by others-may be provided from time to time, in order to correspond with others, buy products or services from them or participating in the promotional codes they offer. These links take you outside the website, platform and service, and they are outside the control of Whizzy.
  • During your use of the website, platform and service, you may correspond, buy products or services or participate in promotional codes provided by service providers or advertisers or sponsors that display their items or services through a link on the website, or through the application or service. These links take you outside the website, application and service and they are outside the control of Whizzy. The websites that you can join have independent terms and conditions as well as independent privacy policy. Whizzy is not responsible for the content of these websites or their activity and may not be questioned about it. Thus, you are responsible entirely for the risks resulting from the visiting or logging into these websites.
  • Please notice that these websites may send cookies to the users, collect their information or request personal information. Thus, you are advised to check the conditions of use or the privacy policies in these websites before using them.

The duration and termination of the contract:

  • The contract between you and Whizzy is unlimited. You have the right to terminate the contract at any time by removing the application installed on your smartphone completely. Thus, disabling your use of the application and the the service. You can close your service provider account at anytime.
  • Whizzy has the right to terminate the contract immediately at anytime (by disabling your use of the application and the service), That is in case you did any of the following: a) The violation or breach of any of the service provider conditions, b) if Whizzy deems that you misuse the application or the service.
  • Whizzy does not have to send previous notifications of terminating the contract.

The invalidation of one or more terms:

  • The invalidation of any of the terms of the service provider conditions herein does not affect the validity of the rest of the terms mentioned here.
  • In the event of the presence of any invalid terms in these service provider conditions or the presence of an unacceptable term in certain conditions according to the standards of reasonableness and justice and only to this extent, both parties shall apply an acceptable term instead taking into consideration all the circumstances and agreeing with the terms of the invalid term as much as possible, and respecting the content and purpose of user conditions herein.

Modification of the service and service provider conditions:

  • Whizzy reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any of the service provider conditions herein, change/suspend or stop the service or application (including, but not limited to, the provision of any advantages, databases or content) at any time, by posting a notification on the website or sending you a notification through the service, application or email address.
  • Whizzy also has the right to place limitations on certain features and services or to limit your access to certain parts of the service or the whole service without notification of responsibility.


Whizzy may send notifications through sending notifications from the service or the application, or sending an email to your mail address registered in your Whizzy user account, ar to send you a mail to the address registered in your Whizzy account.

The applicable law and resolving disputes:

  • The service provider conditions ahead which apply to any dispute, claim or disagreement arising from such service provider conditions or anything related to them, their breach /termination /execution/ explanation or validation, the use of the website, service or application, are subject to the applicable laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and are explained according to them.