
We provide an easy way to get items around cities

We believe that connecting people to local vehicle owners makes the life easier for everyone


The founders stories

My father owns businesses and he is always on the go, needing many different things moved or shipped for various different reasons.

For example in early 2019 he purchased a new A\C unit and he needed to borrow a friend’s truck to move it. Then a few months later he needed some help moving his real estate office. He asked me if there were an app that could help him with this task. Unfortunately, there was not any app for such a thing which made thinking about away to transport anything anywhere around the city.

Eng. Abdulaziz AlbaderCo-Founder

On a rainy day, we were sitting in a burger place in Frankfurt watching the street and people passing by. While we were watching and chatting, we noticed that many different cars and trucks came and left, delivering food, moving furniture or delivering packages and mails. We thought that there has to be an easier way to move things than having to go to a zillion different places to get something transported.

So we came up with unfinished idea of creating a platform where anyone can transport anything with just a few simple clicks.

Mousa Ibrahim & Luisa RoswithaCo-Founders

In Nov, 2019 Mousa Ibrahim and Abdulaziz Albader met and talked about providing an easy way to get items around cities. So they came up with a logistic app that makes shipping easier and they call it Whizzy